How to identify and treat nerve tension pain
Nerve tension refers to pain caused by nerves being trapped in their surrounding tissue. This prevents them from moving…
Read PostWe are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of athletes and patients in general. Our team of professional caregivers specializes in providing personalized medical care, rehabilitative therapy, and injury prevention.
See all ServicesPhysical therapy is one of the major services which we offer. Our therapists works closely with patients to help them improve their movement potential and gain a healthier and more…
Find out MoreMassage therapy is a hands-on treatment that involves manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort and muscle spasm. Massage therapy…
Find out MoreWe are dedicated to sports medicine and focus our rehabilitation on the performance needs of our athletes as well as the prevention of sports-related injuries. Whether you are a professional,…
Find out MoreCEMEDAR began in 2012 offering treatment to high-performance athletes from Aruba for COA (Comite Olimpico Arubano) athletes who participate in high-level competitions representing Aruba, since 2019 services are offered to all athletes and patients in general.
Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily. We thoroughly evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your issue. This includes, but is not limited to, your work and home stressors, overall body condition, nutrition, genetic & postural habits, emotional connections, and patterns that are held in your muscles
The Sports Medicine service has a specialist, highly qualified and with an experience of more than 20 years of work, serving all kinds of professional athletes, amateur and recreational athletes, both youth and adults.
Read MoreAs a physical therapist, I have the opportunity on a daily basis to improve the lives of my patients by identifying...
Read MoreThe Sports Medicine service has a specialist, highly qualified and with an experience of more than 20 years of work, serving all kinds of professional athletes, amateur and recreational athletes, both youth and adults.
Read MoreI chose a physical therapy career because I knew I wanted to help people without sticking them with needles...
Read MoreI chose a physical therapy career because I knew I wanted to help people without sticking them with needles...
Read MoreI chose a sport psychology career because I knew I wanted to help people without sticking them with needles...
Read MoreFind out the latest news about our Physiotherapy Clinic and information about all your Physiotherapy and health-related needs.
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Read all NewsNerve tension refers to pain caused by nerves being trapped in their surrounding tissue. This prevents them from moving…
Read PostThe rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surrounds the shoulder joint and holds the head of the humerus…
Read PostTraditional and natural medicine considers man in a holistic way, that is, in his totality and within an ecological…
Read PostThe shoulder is the most complex and mobile joint in the human body. As a result, it can suffer from a variety of problems.…
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