Aruba Sports Medicine

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Therapy is effective

What you might be experiencing

Classically, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is characterized by needles or pins, numbness burning, or pain in the thumb and index fingers. The swelling, the difficulty in distinguishing between temperatures that are hot and cold, and a decrease in coordination can all be symptoms. Patients with this disorder often wake up at night with serious symptoms. They may be required to hold their hands in order to relieve themselves.

What’s going on inside

The carpal tunnel is created by ligaments, small bones, and the wrist, which is located on your side. Several tendons, blood vessels, and nerves traverse the carpal tunnel while they travel from the forearm towards the hand. The nerve that passes through this narrow passageway is known as the Median nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome can happen in the case that the median nerve has been compressed.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is thought to occur as a result of pressure being increased in the carpal tunnel. There may be a clear cause for the increased pressure, such as:

  • A fracture of one or smaller bones of the forearm or forearm in the hand.
    The tendons are swelling which run through the carpal tunnel.
    Other causes could be related to workplace practices, such as:
  • Exposed to vibration.
  • Keeping the wrist bent during long periods of time, e.g. painting, sewing, writing, and computer work.
    The following are other causes or factors that contribute to the problem:
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

How a physio can assist?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome management requires that you identify the source and contributing factors. The best way to reduce pressure in the carpal canal is to decrease inflammation caused by a fracture or damaged tendon. If symptoms are linked to movement, then changing work routines to limit exposure to prolonged vibration is vital. Similarly avoiding prolonged positioning of the wrist when it is in a flexed or extended position is vital. Different equipment, splints, and different grips can all assist in changing and aid in the wrist’s mechanics.

Apply a splint

A specific splint for the carpal tunnel that aids in keeping the wrist in a neutral posture assists in reducing pressure inside the carpal tunnel. To allow symptoms to ease and heal, the splint may need to be worn for a long time. The splint could be worn for shorter periods as symptoms improve.


Rest from aggravating activities is essential, as it helps in reducing inflammation and alleviating symptoms.

Exercise Program:

Your physiotherapist will teach you exercises and stretching techniques that help to activate the median nerve as well as strengthen the muscles around your wrist. They also offer stretches to stretch the structures around the wrist, which can ease symptoms and prevent future ones.

When there are cases that go untreated, particularly serious, or situations that don’t respond to treatment, surgical intervention may be needed. The nerve is decompressed during surgery. Many people are able to recover from such surgery.

Luciano Mazzeo

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