Aruba Sports Medicine

The Sports Medicine service has a specialist, highly qualified and with an experience of more than 20 years of work, serving all kinds of professional athletes, amateur and recreational athletes, both youth and adults. Periodic evaluations are carried out to maintain and improve sports performance, assess the athlete’s general condition before competitions, perform biomedical monitoring of training and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and sudden death. Individualized orientations are offered according to the discipline and specific characteristics of the athlete, on a wide range of essential aspects in the practice of sport such as, food, hydration, nutritional supplements, injury prevention, physical and sports control.

Lesión del Manguito Rotador

El manguito rotador es un grupo de músculos y tendones que rodea la articulación del hombro y mantiene firme la cabeza del húmero en la cavidad poco profunda de dicha articulación. Una lesión del manguito rotador puede provocar un dolor sordo en el hombro que empeora por la noche. 

Las lesiones del manguito rotador son frecuentes y aumentan con la edad. Sin embargo, pueden ocurrir antes en personas cuyos trabajos requieren realizar repetidamente movimientos por encima de la cabeza. 


La mayoría de las veces, la causa de las lesiones del manguito rotador es el desgaste natural progresivo del tejido del tendón que se produce con el tiempo. La actividad repetitiva por encima de la cabeza o levantar objetos pesados durante un período prolongado puede irritar o dañar el tendón. El manguito rotador también se puede lesionar en un incidente en particular durante caídas o accidentes. 

Factores de Riesgo 

 Los siguientes factores pueden aumentar el riesgo de tener una lesión del manguito rotador: 

  • Edad. El riesgo de tener una lesión del manguito rotador aumenta con la edad. Los desgarros del manguito rotador son más frecuentes en personas mayores de 60 años. 
  • Algunos trabajos. Los trabajos que requieren movimientos de brazos repetitivos sobre la cabeza, como la carpintería o la pintura de casas, pueden dañar el manguito rotador con el tiempo. 
  • Determinados deportes. Algunos tipos de lesiones del manguito rotador son más frecuentes en personas que participan en deportes como béisbol, tenis y levantamiento de pesas. 
  • Antecedentes familiares. Puede haber un componente genético en las lesiones del manguito rotador, ya que estas lesiones suelen aparecer más frecuentemente en determinadas familias. 




 Los tratamientos conservadores, como el descanso, el hielo y la fisioterapia, a veces son lo único que se necesita para recuperarse de una lesión del manguito rotador, hoy dia se utilizan terapias como onda de choque con elevada efectividad en la resolucion de la lesion, y las terapias invasivas como la electrolisis percutanea tambien constituyen alternativas terapeuticas antes de llegar a necesitar cirugía. 


 La fisioterapia suele ser uno de los primeros tratamientos que se recomiendan. Los ejercicios orientados a la ubicación específica de la lesión del manguito rotador pueden ayudar a recuperar la flexibilidad y fortalecer el hombro. La fisioterapia también es una parte importante del proceso de recuperación posterior a la cirugía del manguito rotador.



Therapeutic ultrasound


Therapeutic ultrasound is used to treat generally muscle, joint or tendon injuries; It works through the emission of sound waves generated by means of a transducer, promoting the release of heat towards the affected area and the stimulation of blood flow, achieving the reduction of pain and inflammation, this type of treatment is very effective, not it causes no pain or has any side effects.

General indications of therapeutic ultrasound.

Laser Therapy

What are the effects of using lasers?

The use of laser in physiotherapy, if it has these characteristics, increases metabolic activity by acting on the mitochondria, which can reduce healing times. In addition, it produces an increase in vasodilation, improves lymphatic drainage, reduces inflammation and increases the pain threshold. Photomechanical stimulation inhibits pain sensation and provides immediate relief.

Toral points out that laser therapy “has no absolute contraindications.” Laser therapy is painless, and although it increases the temperature of the treated area, it is not invasive. The laser acts on the cell membrane generating a photochemical effect, which facilitates tissue regeneration, pain reduction and remodeling of inflammatory effects.

All these characteristics allow to obtain a series of effects that were not achieved with the low-power laser.

  • The biostimulant effect accelerates the production of fibroblasts with the consequent production of collagen in order to rebalance the extracellular matrix and to remodel the tissues. This is only achieved by long pulse continuous or pulsed emission.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect is the result of biological stimulation of the tissues, which triggers vasodilation.
  • Stimulation also produces a neoangiogenesis phenomenon that has an anti- edema effect .
  • High-powered laser therapy also has relaxation effects by modulating the release of oxygen.
  • Finally, the analgesic effect allows to reduce pain without collateral effects, optimizing the interaction with the peripheral nervous system.


What can laser be used for in physiotherapy?

With these functionalities, the laser covers a wide spectrum of applications.

  • In traumatology it is used for post-trauma recovery , because it allows the possibility of modeling the emission according to the desired physiological effect.
  • In pain therapy, because it is capable of generating a rapid decrease in joint and muscle pain through the stochastic emission patented by Mectronic, which acts on the peripheral nervous system.
  • In the prevention of accidents, because if they undergo laser therapy treatments before the sporting event, the musculoskeletal structures will be vascularized and perfectly oxygenated, reducing the risk of micro-injuries.
  • To speed up recovery , because the multi-modal emission allows the therapy to be personalized according to the need.
  • To quickly eliminate edema, because it allows you to customize the therapy according to the somatic characteristics of the patient and their pathological state.
  • To heal muscle injuries, because it allows the metabolic activation of all microbiological processes that return the intracellular and extracellular balance to the cell, in order to rapidly rebuild muscle tissue.
  • To treat acute pathologies, because it modulates, in the water phase of the pathology, the inflammatory effects through a stimulating action of the deep tissues.
  • To treat tendinopathies, because it exerts a biostimulant action and rebalances the correct balance of muscle forces through deep and complete oxygenation of the muscle fasciae.
  • As a physiological accelerator , because it allows the correct biostimulant therapy to be applied by defining the energy dose and the mode of emission depending on the pathological condition of the patient.

Most common applications

  • Deep tissue penetration with power up to 12 W in continuous mode
  • Pulsating mode for immediate pain relief
  • Painful shoulder
  • Hip arthrosis
  • Epicondylitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Lumbar pain
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Back pain


Physical exercise all ages

CEMEDAR Center for Sports Medicine in Aruba

Aruba, despite being a small island, has a sports medical center, which offers its services to all practitioners of physical activity and sports, has high-tech equipment and highly experienced professionals who offer their services in various branches of sports medicine, athletes and practitioners of physical activity throughout the island.

Sports medicine is the medical specialty that studies the effects of competitive exercise and physical activity in general, on the human body, focusing on the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases and injuries that occur in practitioners, also in the evaluation of the physical conditions and performance of the athletes
Every day it has a greater role in both high performance and recreational sports, offering scientific support for the achievement of high results in elite athletes, and at a recreational level promoting the level of health and well-being of the population, offering care and guidance so that The practice of sport is always a means to raise the standard of living and the health of the population, at all ages, starting from an early age to the elderly.
The main tasks of sports medicine are:
• Preventive mission.
• Guiding mission.
• Healing mission.

Ejercicio Fisico todas las edades

Services offered:

  • Sports Traumatology
  • Sports medicine
  • Physiotherapy
  • Sports Psychology
  • Sports Massage
  • Athlete Functional Assessment


The services offered by the Arubano CEMEDAR sports medical center are available to the entire population of Aruba, both high-performance athletes and the general population, we have professionals in medicine and sports sciences willing to offer their services for well-being of the entire population, the practice of physical exercise has in CEMEDAR a center of high scientific level that everyone can use and benefit from its services.

Core Concept and Assessment Training

The core is based on a set of clinical biomechanical osteoarticular muscle groups, especially the central part of the body, including dorsal lumbar rachis, pelvis, and hips, which allows us stability in the spine coordinated by the motor control system; when it is subjected to external and internal forces for its training it is of useful importance since the trunk and the extremities participate

The assessment of the Core applies different kinematic and dynamometric techniques, it is important to highlight that its operation depends on maximum strength, resistance strength, intra and intermuscular coordination, motor control, and proprioceptive control.

The objective is to prevent lumbopelvic injuries, optimization of performance in order to improve the stability of the athlete with precision and agility, the ideal is to perform exercises that exercise the flexors, extensors, lateralizers and rotators, the most effective safe are sample dog, bug Dead and planks, taking into account the frequency, intensity and equal volume through the iliolumbar proprioceptive exercise program and waist dissociation, the upper and lower limbs are necessary for coordination of the Core stability of the same in the sports field.

Pointer Dead bug Iron


Borghuis, J; Hof, A and Lemmink, K. (2008) The importance of sensory motor control in provide stability core stability. Sports medicine, 38, 11, 893-916.

McGill SM (2007) Low back disorders: evidence-based prevention and rehabilitation, 2nd.ed. champaing: Human Kinetic.

Van Dieen, JH; Luger, T and Van der Eb, J. (2012) Effects of fatigue on trunk stability in elite gymnasts. Eur J Appl Physiol. 112 (4): 1307–13 .:

Vera-García, FJ; Elvira, JL; Brown, SH and McGill, SM. (2007) Effects of abdominal stabilization maneuvers on the control of spine motion and stability against sudden trunk perturbations. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 17 (5): 556–67

Vera-García, FJ; Barbado, D; Moreno-Pérez, V; Hernández-Sánchez, S; Juan-Recio, C and Elvira, JLL. (2015) Core stability: Evaluation and training criteria. Rev Andal Med Sport, 8 (2): 79-85.

Athlete Functional Assessment.

Sports practice requires fit and healthy individuals to face the challenges imposed by the performance of physical exercises, whether they are exercises for healthy and recreational purposes or in competitive sports, where the demands reach their maximum expression.

It is essential first of all at the beginning and during sports practice, an evaluation of the physical capacities and the condition of the practitioner is carried out, without knowing the functional state of the athlete there are great risks of damage to health, or in the worst of cases. cases can cause even death; there are many reports of sudden death during intense exercise that have occurred in recent years

Functional assessments have the following purposes:

  • Know the physical and mental health status of the exercise practitioner
  • Determine the level of development of the general and specific physical capacities of the sport (Strength, speed, Endurance, flexibility, etc.)
  • Morphological and somatotype evaluation
  • Prescription of exercises appropriate to the level found in the evaluations
  • Evaluate the Training process throughout its preparation journey.
  • Evaluation of energy systems and devices (Cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, neuromuscular)
  • Nutritional assessment
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Hematological and biochemical evaluation (Hb, glycemia, lactate, urea, hormones, etc.)
  • Know the level of tolerance to Training loads, together with the fatigue indicators.

The functional evaluation is carried out through laboratory and field tests, and through standardized and validated tests the integral evaluation of the athlete is carried out, offering information on the initial and developmental level during the performance of physical exercises.

The tests carried out take into account the sex, age, sport and level of condition of the practitioner.

It is important in the functional evaluation to have technology that allows the precision of the evaluations, the reliability and objectivity of the results are extremely important to establish training programs and physical exercises, which achieve improvement in the performance of the practitioner